Kim Shearer
Former Intern
Intern: 2011–2013
Projects: 1) Interspecific and interploid hybridization among sympatric azaleas in the southern Appalachian Mountains. 2) Ploidy levels and relative genome sizes of species, hybrids, and cultivars or dogwood.
- Shearer, K., T.G. Ranney, R. Miller, and C. Tower. 2012. Pentanthera Webs: Interspecific and Interploid Hybridization among Sympatric Azaleas in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. J. Amer. Rhododendron Soc. 66(4): 187-197.
- Shearer, K. and T.G. Ranney. 2013. Ploidy levels and relative genome sizes of species, hybrids, and cultivars of dogwood (Cornus spp.). HortScience 48(7):825-830.
- 2nd Place, SNA Student Research Conference, Undergraduate, 2013;
- Sidney B. Meadows Scholarship, NSF-EDEN Research Award, and W. Scott and Mary Dell Chilton Award, 2013.