Richard Olsen
Degree: 2006. Ph.D., Horticultural Science, NC State University
Dissertation: Utilizing polyploidy for developing improved nursery crops
- Olsen, R.T., T.G. Ranney, and C.S. Hodges. 2006. Susceptibility of Catalpa, Chilopsis, and hybrids to powdery mildew and catalpa sphinx larvae. HortScience 41(7):1629-1634.
- Olsen, R.T., T.G. Ranney, and Z. Viloria. 2006. Reproductive behavior of induced allotetraploid xChitalpa and in vitro embryo culture of polyploidy progeny. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 131(6):716-724.
- Olsen, R.T., T.G. Ranney, and D.J. Werner. 2006. Fertility and inheritance of variegated and purple foliage across a polyploid series in Hypericum androsaemum L. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 131(6):725-730. (JASHS cover).
- ASHS, Krezdorn Award for Excellence in Doctoral Research and Writing, 2007;
- 1st Place, ASHS Warren S. Barham Ph.D. Graduate Student Paper, 2005;
- 1st Place, SNA Student Research Conference, Ph.D., 2005;
- 1st Place, Southern Region IPPS, Student Research Competition, 2005;
- 3rd Place, SNA Student Research Conference, Ph.D., 2003.