‘Blizzard’ Pearlbush
(Exochorda ‘Blizzard’ PP23,329)
Considered old-fashioned by some, Pearlbushes are tough, dependable plants that explode with pearl-like buds and frilly petals at the first hint of spring, giving Forsythia a good run for its money. ‘Blizzard’ takes Pearlbush to a new level – a tetraploid hybrid that combines E. serratifolia, E. racemosa, and E. korolkowii in its pedigree. Unlike many Pearlbushes (e.g., ‘The Bride’), that can resemble a tangled cascading brush pile, ‘Blizzard’ has a distinct upright to rounded form with a mature height and width of 3-4 feet that makes a refined shrub or small tree. ‘Blizzard’ is extremely floriferous with flowers that can be twice as large as other Pearlbushes.
For information on licensing, contact Spring Meadow Nursery, Gary Neinhuis, Licensee Sales, 616-223-3363 ext 1103, gary@springmeadownursery.com. If you are a North Carolina Nursery, be sure to ask about special arrangements. Available through mail order and retail outlets.
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