My Monet® ‘Sunset’ Weigela

(Weigela florida ‘Sunset’ PP23,212)

Looking for a flurry of color in a small perennial shrub? Weigela ‘Sunset’ My Monet® provides unique variegated foliage with green centers and multicolored margins ranging from and including ivory yellow, yellow, yellow-green, green, and red depending on age of foliage and time of year. The habit is compact and reaches approximately 15 inches high and 25 inches wide. Flowers are a light pink. Good in full sun to part shade with adequate water. Zone 5-8.

For information on licensing, contact Spring Meadow Nursery, Gary Neinhuis, Licensee Sales, 616-223-3363 ext 1103, If you are a North Carolina Nursery, be sure to ask about special arrangements. Available through mail order and retail outlets.